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Hawke: Christmas in Paradise (Billionaire Boys Club)


  Billionaire Boys Club

  Ellie Masters

  JEM Publishing

  Copyright © 2020 Ellie Masters


  All rights reserved.

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this ebook ONLY. No part of this ebook may be reproduced, scanned, transmitted, or distributed in any printed, mechanical, or electronic form without prior written permission from Ellie Masters or JEM Publishing except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  Image/art disclaimer: Licensed material is being used for illustrative purposes only. Any person depicted in the licensed material is a model.

  Editor: Erin Toland

  Proofreader: Rox LeBlanc

  Interior Design/Formatting: Ellie Masters

  Published in the United States of America

  JEM Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, businesses, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  ISBN: 978-1-952625-07-7

  Created with Vellum

  Books by Ellie Masters


  Ellie Masters is the lighter side of the Jet & Ellie Masters writing duo! You will find Contemporary Romance, Military Romance, Romantic Suspense, Billionaire Romance, and Rock Star Romance in Ellie’s Works.

  Sign up to Ellie’s Newsletter and get a free gift.



  Military Romance

  Guardian Hostage Rescue

  Rescuing Melissa

  (Get a FREE copy of Rescuing Melissa when you join Ellie’s Newsletter)

  Rescuing Zoe

  Rescuing Moira

  The One I Want Series

  (Small Town, Military Heroes)

  By Jet & Ellie Masters

  each book in this series can be read as a standalone and is about a different couple with an HEA.






  Rockstar Romance

  The Angel Fire Rock Romance Series

  each book in this series can be read as a standalone and is about a different couple with an HEA. It is recommended they are read in order.

  Ashes to New (prequel)

  Heart’s Insanity (book 1)

  Heart’s Desire (book 2)

  Heart’s Collide (book 3)

  Hearts Divided (book 4)

  Hearts Entwined (book5)

  Forest’s FALL (book 6)

  Hearts The Last Beat (book7)

  Billionaire Romance

  Billionaire Boys Club


  H.R.H. Richard


  Contemporary Romance


  (Kristy Bromberg’s Everyday Heroes World)

  Contemporary Romance

  Cocky Captain

  (Vi Keeland & Penelope Ward’s Cocky Hero World)

  Sweet Contemporary Romance

  Finding Peace

  Romantic Suspense

  The Starling


  Science Fiction

  Ellie Masters writing as L.A. Warren

  Vendel Rising: a Science Fiction Serialized Novel


  1. Quinn

  2. Quinn

  3. Quinn

  4. Hawke

  5. Quinn

  6. Hawke

  7. Hawke

  8. Hawke

  9. Hawke

  10. Quinn

  11. Quinn

  12. Hawke

  13. Quinn

  14. Quinn

  15. Hawke

  16. Quinn

  17. Quinn

  18. Hawke

  19. Quinn

  20. Quinn

  21. Hawke

  22. Quinn

  23. Hawke

  24. Quinn

  25. Hawke

  26. Quinn

  27. Hawke

  28. Quinn

  29. Hawke

  30. Hawke

  31. Quinn

  32. Quinn

  33. Hawke

  34. Quinn

  35. Hawke

  36. Quinn

  37. Hawke

  38. Quinn

  39. Hawke

  40. Hawke

  41. Quinn

  Ellie Masters The EDGE

  Books by Ellie Masters

  About the Author

  Connect with Ellie Masters

  Final Thoughts

  Books by Jet Masters

  The End



  December 21st and my fledgling company, MindScapeVR, is hosting its first official office Christmas event. The party’s in full swing. Fifteen minutes late and my timing couldn’t be more perfect. Arriving early—hell, even on time—makes my skin crawl, like heebie-jeebies slithering across my arms kind of crawling.

  I don’t do well in crowds.

  Music thumps through the walls. Raucous laughter punctuates the low rumbling of voices. Champagne infuses the air with a rich buttery aroma. The only thing calling to me is the champagne. I have to give it to my team. They certainly know how to party, but we have good reason to do so, given our success, or near success. There’s still the matter of securing our venture investment capital.

  As quietly as possible, I navigate down the hall, trying not to trip and sprain an ankle in three-inch heels. Whoever invented these torture devices needs to be shot. Not eager to join the party, I stop to breathe in the buttery effervescence of champagne. It grows stronger the closer I get. Eyes closed. Nose lifted. I savor the delicate scent, waiting for the lighter, fruitier taste of apple and pear to penetrate my senses.

  The doors to the main lounge bang open, making me jump. Ted, our lead engineer, drags Shirley, from accounting, into the hall. Arms entwine. Lips lock. Hips grind. They’re all over each other. Like all over. She’s practically dry humping him as I look on in shock.

  I press against the wall and pray they don’t see me.

  Too engrossed in locking lips, groping hands, and the dry humping going on, my presence goes unnoticed. Ted pulls Shirley down the hall with a husky laugh toward the supply closet, while I give a little sigh.

  Their passion gives me pause. I’ve never felt something like that, and if I’m completely honest, I’m jealous. Scott and I are affectionate, but we don’t go at each other like animals. It makes me wonder if there’s something broken inside of me.

  With them gone, I can no longer delay my entrance.

  Nobody notices me when I step into the room, but I’m used to that.

  Decked out in silver and gold, pops of shiny red and white draw my eye. The office decorations are modern and garish, nothing like the traditional red and green I pref
er, or the homemade decorations which make me think of family, friends, and Christmas.

  “Q!” The shout snaps my head up. In the far corner, surrounded by his ever-present orbit of friends and admirers, my boyfriend and business manager, Scott, holds court.

  Unlike me, he thrives on social interaction and is always the center of attention. He waves me over but doesn’t get up from where his butt perches on the edge of a desk.

  I must go to him.

  With a sigh, I give a soft smile and wave. Now how to minimize any social entanglements?

  Not that I don’t like my coworkers. I love them. The issue is me. Awkward doesn’t begin to describe me in social situations. I wish it weren’t true. I’d love to be more like Scott and have people flock to me. Unfortunately, that’s not my gift. I’m a nerd, not a social butterfly.

  In addition to the bubbly effervescence, my nose wrinkles at the distinctive, acrid potency of hops.

  Scott’s favorite drink is beer, which is why there’s a keg next to the champagne tower. I hate everything about beer, but not Scott.

  He’s a dream.

  Back to making my way over to Scott. The direct approach is no-go land. Too many conversational landmines lie between me and him. This leaves skirting the edges of the room, which isn’t a bad idea. My stomach rumbles, reminding me I, yet again, skipped lunch.

  The catering company laid out an impressive spread. I take my time to savor a few of their seasonal offerings. Someone tugs on my arm while I shove a cocktail shrimp in my mouth. I spin around with the shrimp hanging half in, half out, of my mouth.

  “Quinn! You made it.” My best friend takes my hands and jumps up and down.

  I suck the rest of the shrimp into my mouth and smile at Sadie with my mouth full.

  Sadie changed for the party, ditching her black pants and form-fitting blouse for a skin-hugging, silver-sequined cocktail dress. Her hair sweeps up in an elegant up-do, and her makeup pops. My best friend is sorority cute, bubbly, and vivacious. She’s everything I’m not and the only one in the office who calls me by my real name. I’m Q to everyone else.

  She leans in. “Do you think he’s going to pop the question tonight?” A little squeal escapes her as she jumps up and down. Her attention shifts to Scott then turns back to me. “I did some snooping.”

  “Sadie!” I lower my voice and lean in. “You shouldn’t have.”

  “Well…” She glances around and whispers. In addition to being a terrible flirt, Sadie loves secrets, but she’s incapable of keeping one. “When I went into his office, I saw a little black box.” Another squeal escapes her. “And I may, or may not, have seen tickets to an all-inclusive couple’s resort.”

  “You did?” My heart races, and a tickle of excitement runs through me.

  Sadie gives a vigorous nod. “I did. Two tickets to an all-inclusive couple’s resort called Euphoria.” She gives a little squeak, then a long, breathy sigh. “Oh, I bet he proposes tonight.”

  I can’t help but grin. It’s perfect timing really, and I’m all about tying things up with neat little bows.

  We should know whether our startup will be funded by the end of the year—less than ten days left. My dream might finally take off. Everything Scott and I have been working for is coming to fruition. Why not merge our private lives at the same time?

  My attention shifts to my bare left ring finger, and my imagination goes wild. What kind of ring did he buy? I’m a minimalist. Clean, elegant lines are what I love. Scott is more flamboyant and likes to show off.

  “Why are you over here checking out the buffet?” Sadie gives me a little shove. “Go get him.”

  She comes with me, but not before we fill up on finger foods as we graze down the buffet’s length. In the end, Sadie grabs two flutes of champagne.

  “Merry Christmas to start.” We take a sip, then she lifts her glass again. “To a new year and new beginnings.” Her gaze shifts to Scott, and her voice drops to a whisper. “I’m so happy for you.” We clink our glasses and take another sip. I navigate the remaining space to my destination with Sadie by my side.

  “Make a hole, guys.” Scott’s booming voice draws attention, and a gap appears in those gathered around him. “My best girl has arrived.” His arms spread wide, and he stands to hug me.

  I duck my head and smile while avoiding eye contact with those around him. Parties are so not my thing. But when Scott wraps his arms around me, I snuggle in and breathe out any lingering tension. He’s my rock, the pillar I lean on for support. When I’m in his arms, the crowd no longer makes my skin crawl. Their eyes are on him and not me.

  Sadie stands beside me and shamelessly flirts with the men gathered around us. I’m pretty sure she’s slept with most of them. Sadie’s gifted in getting around without getting around.

  It’s her superpower. I’m definitely not like that. Much more discreet, I’ve never had a one-night-stand and have no desire to do so.

  As for Sadie?

  She sees it as a challenge to explore all the flavors and varieties of men in the world.

  “How are you holding up?” Scott tightens his grip, pulling me deeper into his embrace. He kisses the top of my head. “I’m thrilled you made it.”

  “I wouldn’t miss this.” Total lie. I’d rather be upstairs crossing T’s, dotting I’s, and doing it over again.

  “I have something special planned.” He squeezes me, and it’s as if I’m blanketed in love. I could die right now and be perfectly happy.

  “Attention.” He raises his hand and shouts.

  Everyone quiets and turns toward him. Scott nods to his buddy, Dan, who grins and walks around to the back of the desk.

  “All eyes up here.” Scott clears his throat and reaches into his pocket. He draws me forward half a step. “As you know, MindScapeVR is on the verge of greatness, and it’s all due to Q’s brilliant mind and your hard work.”

  I dip my head and stare at the ground. He’s putting me on display, which is far outside my comfort zone.

  Dan hops on the desk behind us. I naturally look up. Dan’s grin stretches across his face as he dangles mistletoe over our heads.

  My eyes widen as Scott gets down on one knee. “You’re my best girl, Q. I love you to the moon and back, and I can’t think of a better Christmas present than if you would agree to be my wife.”

  My hands go to my cheeks as he opens a tiny, black velvet box. I can’t believe he’s doing this here in front of our team, but it makes perfect sense.

  “Q…” He looks up at me with love and adoration. “Will you marry me?”

  I stare at the most perfect ring I’ve ever seen. It’s flashier than I would like. Instead of a diamond, an emerald glitters in the light. The exact shade of my eyes, it’s the one gemstone I absolutely adore.

  “We need some kisses under the mistletoe.” Dan clears his throat and gives the mistletoe a wiggle.

  Scott glances up and grins. “You’re keeping me in suspense here, Q. Don’t make me wait to kiss you under the mistletoe.”

  “Yes!” Overwhelmed by his proposal, happy tears spill down my cheeks. My entire body shakes with excitement.

  “Then give me your hand and let me put a ring on that finger.”

  The office erupts in shouts. They cheer as I give him my hand. He slides the ring on, and it’s a perfect fit. Then he’s on his feet and grabs me. In front of our entire team, he pulls me to him and presses his lips to mine.

  It’s nothing like Ted and Shirley’s passionate kiss, but I’ll take it. When I wrap my arms around him, someone shouts, “Get a room!”

  Everyone laughs. The kiss ends.

  Scott pulls a packet out from his suit pocket and lifts it in the air. “I don’t know what the rest of you are doing over Christmas, but I plan to be on the beach with my fiancée.” He hands me the packet and smiles. “Ten days in paradise. Just you and me. We leave first thing in the morning.”

  “You’re amazing.” I clutch the papers to my chest and lift on tiptoe to kiss
him. Dan hops off the desk and runs around, raising the mistletoe over people’s heads. Everyone laughs and plays along, kissing under the mistletoe.

  “Let me see that rock.” Sadie grabs my hand, and the next hour passes in a blur.

  My social awkwardness disappears, and I actually have a little bit of fun. I talk more to my coworkers during the party than I have all week. They’re excited by the initial testing of our VR technology suite. The initial medical studies show marked improvement of mental functioning in both dementia and Alzheimer’s patients. We’re going to change the world for the elderly affected with mental decline. It’s not just groundbreaking research. It’s earth-shattering.

  Scott and I drift apart as his friends congratulate him. The women gather around me to fawn over my ring. I float on cloud nine and don’t realize when the crowd thins out.

  For the first time in my life, I close a party down. Scott, Sadie, and I are the only ones left. He says goodbye to Dan while Sadie pulls the papers out of my grip.